SAGE: 51275 | PPAI: 713525 | UPIC: SAFEMADE | ASI: 84514 | DC: 875576

Hybrid Auto Kit Universal Safety Kit

  • Auto Kit
  • Includes: 1 Dorcy COB Flashlight, 1 Tire Pressure Gauge, 1 Automotive Guide, 1 Accident Investigation Grid, 1 Pencil, 1 Police Windshield Banner, 1 Rain Poncho, 1 Orange Traffic Vest, 4 Flex Fit Bandages 3/4" x 3", 10 Junior Bandages, 1 Purell Anti-Bacterial Wipe, 2 Alcohol Prep Pads, 4 BZK Antiseptic Wipes
  • Available in Blue, Black, Red
  • Product size - 5.5" x 7.5"
  • Imprint Area - 4.5" x 2.5"
Production Time: 5 Working Days
50 $18.15 each
250 $17.45 each
500 $16.80 each
1000 $15.65 each
$40.00 each
Our auto kit has everything your loved ones will need in the event of car trouble including a C.O.B. Flashlight, Hi Viz safety vest, Tire Gauge Accident Investigation instructions and guide, rain poncho and basic first aid. Tough 600 Denier Kit is water resistant and will last for many years and will easily fit in a glove compartment, under a seat or center console. Have what you need when you need it. Assembled and printed in the USA!

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
5.5" x 7.5"


SAGE: 51275 | PPAI: 713525 | UPIC: SAFEMADE | ASI: 84514 | DC: 875576